$2,497.00 USD

Pass the First Time Guarantee

If you don't pass the first time, take our class again for free. Continue your full access to all course materials and practice quizzes while receiving detailed test-taking advice and professional support from your PMP-certified coach.
Should you not pass the PMP exam in three attempts, our 100% Pass Guarantee covers a full tuition refund. The only catch? You must take your first test within 1 week and any retakes within 3 weeks (while you still remember the material).

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2-Day (PMP)® Accelerated Boot Camp Seventh Edition

Here's What You Get:

PMP Exam Prep 2022 and 2023 - Project Management Professional Certification 2-Day Bootcamp is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants to pass their Project Management Professional Exam. The exam is extremely challenging, and thorough test preparation is essential for success. Our bootcamp includes:

  • Practice test questions with detailed answer explanations
  • Tips and strategies to help you get your best test performance
  • complete review of all PMBOK sections

PMP is a certification mark of the Project Management Institute, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

The 2-Day Bootcamp is filled with the critical information you will need in order to do well on your PMP exam: the concepts, procedures, principles, and vocabulary that the Project Management Institute (PMI) expects you to have mastered before sitting for your exam.

The 2-Day Bootcamp includes:

  • Foundational Elements
  • Project Operating Environment
  • Role of the Project Manager
  • Project Integration Management
  • Project Scope Management
  • Project Schedule Management
  • Project Cost Management
  • Project Quality Management
  • Project Resource Management
  • Project Communications Management
  • Project Risk Management
  • Project Procurement Management
  • Project Stakeholder Management

...and much more!

Our 2-Day Bootcamp is full of specific and detailed information that will be key to passing your exam. Concepts and principles aren't simply named or described in passing but are explained in detail. The 2-Day PMP Boot Camp is laid out in a logical and organized fashion so that one section naturally flows from the one preceding it. Because it's written with an eye for both technical accuracy and accessibility, you will not have to worry about getting lost in dense academic language.

PMI PMP Exam Fee (Not Included in Boot Camp)

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What People Are Saying:

I’ll admit that I came into the class a bit skeptical; with all the modules, practice tests, chapter assignments and requested routines. I initially thought, “I don’t have time for all of this. I’ll just read the chapters and be fine…”. After two coaching sessions, my attitude was altered by Frank’s passion and candor. Then I thought, “Ok, I’ll play the game and follow the rules…”. After the first month, I was drinking the yellow & black Kool-Aid. I quickly realized that Frank knows what he is doing, has a proven track record and that there is a definite method to the madness that is the 12-week PMP Master Class. I am thankful and honored to have taken part in the Masterclass.

Kevin W.

The simulator was EXTREMELY valuable. There is no way I would have passed the test if I had only run through a few questions here and there. Getting familiar with the types of questions was valuable, but also being able to deal with the length of the test is something that required some time. I found that I would get jumpy after 60 questions or so, so I stuck to a plan to get up and leave the room every 50 questions. The ladies at the testing center were probably annoyed, but it kept me focused. David N.

David N.

In the end, I would never have accomplished this without Frank. I needed every bit of the knowledge, direction, and encouragement that he gave me. Thanks, Kathy P.

Kathy P.

There are absolutely no words to describe the exhilarating feeling I felt (and still feel) when I saw CONGRATULATIONS appear on my screen at the Prometric Testing Center. This for me was not just a "PMP" journey, but a spiritual journey, and a mountain I knew I had to climb and conquer. After having prayer that morning and following to the "T" all of the directions Frank Payne instructed me to do, I was confident I would be victorious. When the testing administrator ushered me to booth 7, I knew this would be my last time taking what had become a dreaded PMP exam; biblically, the number 7 is the number of completion. I firmly believe that his MasterClass, coaching and no nonsense style was the catalyst for me passing the PMP exam.

Val L.

I can’t thank you enough for your extensive coaching and your positive vibes throughout the 12-week Master Class.

Kevin M.